10 Tips To Improve Your SHSAT Score

Approximately 30,000 students take the SHSAT each year, hoping to gain admission to New York City’s specialized high schools.

While you  prepare for the SHSAT, refer to these 10 tips to ensure you do your best come test day.

      1. Wear a watch.
      2. Don’t leave any questions blank — there’s no guessing penalty.
      3. Don’t get stuck on one question. Move on and come back later.
      4. Read math questions carefully.
      5. Write out your math clearly.
      6. Don’t rush through the easier math problems — be sure you get them right.
      7. For Reading Comprehension, focus more on the questions and answers than on the passage.
      8. Use the answer choices to help you, especially in math.
      9. Don’t let other people make you nervous.
      10. Don’t let the scale of importance of the event overwhelm you — rely on your training.

Bonus Tip: Practice smart! Study your mistakes and use them to improve.

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