How To Check Your SAT Score: A Step-By-Step Guide

Navigating the aftermath of the SAT exam, especially when it comes to awaiting your score, can be a complex and often overwhelming experience. Whether you’re a high school student aiming for your dream college or a parent guiding your child through this pivotal phase, understanding the intricacies of SAT scores is crucial. 

In this guide, weโ€™ll cover the ins and outs of how to check your SAT score with a step-by-step guide, an overview of when SAT scores are available, how to interpret your score report, how to send your scores to colleges, and more.

Table of Contents / Quick Reference Guide

  1. When Do SAT Scores Come Out?
  2. How To Check Your SAT Score
  3. Understanding Your SAT Score Report
  4. How To Send SAT Scores To Colleges
  5. Retaking The SAT For a Better Score
  6. Related SAT Resources

When Are SAT Scores Available?

SAT scores are typically released within two to three weeks after the test date. For the 2023 SAT exams, the specific release dates vary depending on the month in which the test is taken.ย 

For example, for the SAT conducted in December 2023, the scores are scheduled to be released on December 15, 2023. This pattern of score release generally holds true for other test dates throughout the year. Below, weโ€™ve provided a table of SAT score availability for recent & upcoming 2023 and 2024 SAT test dates.

SAT Test DateWhen Scores Are Available
November 4th, 2023November 17th, 2023
December 2nd, 2023December 15th, 2023
March 9th, 2024March 22nd, 2024
May 4th, 2024May 17th, 2024
June 1st, 2024June 14th, 2024

The College Board, which administers the SAT, ensures that scores are available online through the student’s College Board account. Students can expect to access their scores by 8 a.m. Eastern Time on the designated release date. It’s important to note that these dates are subject to change, so students are advised to check the College Board website for the most current information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Checking SAT Scores

Checking your SAT scores is a straightforward process that can be done online through the College Board’s website. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you access your scores:

  1. Access the College Board Website: Start by visiting the College Board’s official website. You can do this by typing into your web browser.
  2. Sign In to Your Account: On the College Board homepage, look for the sign-in option. Click on it and enter your username and password. If you don’t already have an account, you’ll need to create one using the same email address you provided when you registered for the SAT.
  3. Navigate to the SAT Section: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the SAT section of the website. This is typically found under a tab or link labeled โ€œSATโ€ or something similar.
  4. View Your Scores: Inside the SAT section, there should be a link or button that says โ€œView Scoresโ€ or โ€œGet Scores.โ€ Click on this to proceed.
  5. Score Report: After clicking to view your scores, you’ll be taken to your score report page. Here, you’ll see your scores for each section of the SAT: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math, and your total score. If you’ve taken the SAT more than once, you’ll see scores for each test date.
  6. Understanding Your Scores: Along with your scores, you’ll also find detailed breakdowns of your performance in different areas, percentile ranks, and possibly suggestions for improvement.
  7. Additional Score Reports (If Needed): If you need to send your scores to colleges or scholarship programs, you can request additional score reports from this page. There might be a fee for sending score reports to more than the four colleges you can select for free when you register for the test.
  8. Download or Print Your Scores: For your records, you can download or print a copy of your score report directly from the website.

Looking To Get A Better On The SAT?

Remember, it’s important to keep your College Board account information secure and to check your scores as soon as they’re available, especially if you’re working with application deadlines. 

If you encounter any issues accessing your scores or have questions about your score report, you can contact College Board customer service for assistance.

Related Reading: Whatโ€™s a Good SAT Score for 2023 & 2024?

Understanding the SAT Score Report

Understanding your SAT score report can seem a bit daunting at first, but it’s a pretty simple process once you understand its components. Below, weโ€™ll break down all of the components of your SAT score report.

Total Score

The most prominent feature of your SAT score report is your total score, which ranges from 400 to 1600. This score is the sum of your scores in two main sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Math.

Section Scores

The first section, Evidence-Based Reading & Writing, is scored between 200 and 800. It combines your performance in the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test.

The second section, Math, is also scored between 200 and 800 and reflects your performance solely on the Math section of the SAT.ย 


Your report includes several subscores that provide insight into specific skills. These subscores are reported on a scale of 1 to 15, and they cover areas like Command of Evidence, Words in Context (for the Reading and Writing sections), and Problem-Solving, Data Analysis (for the Math section).

Percentile Ranks

This is a critical part of your score report. Your percentile rank compares your performance to that of other test-takers. 

For example, if you are in the 60th percentile, it means you scored higher than 60% of students who took the SAT.

Essay Scores (If Applicable)

If you took the SAT Essay (which is optional and being phased out), you’ll receive three scores ranging from 2 to 8, reflecting Reading, Analysis, and Writing skills.

College and Career Readiness Benchmarks

These benchmarks indicate whether your score suggests you are ready for college-level coursework. They are represented as colored bands on the score report.

Detailed Analysis

The report also provides a more detailed analysis of your answers, including how many questions you answered correctly and incorrectly in each section.

Score Trends

If you’ve taken the SAT more than once, your report will include a section that shows your score trends over time.

Understanding your SAT score report is crucial for identifying your strengths and areas for improvement. It can guide your study strategy if you plan to retake the SAT or help you decide which colleges to apply to based on their average admitted student scores. 

If you have specific questions about your score report or how it might be perceived by colleges, it’s a good idea to discuss this with a school counselor or a college admissions advisor.

How To Send Your SAT Scores To Colleges

Now that you have your SAT scores, know how to access them, and understand how your score report is broken down, the final step is to send your scores to the colleges you are applying to. 

To do so, start by logging into your College Board account and accessing your SAT scores as described in the above process.ย 

Next, look for an option to send your scores to colleges. You will then be prompted to search for and select the colleges or universities to which you want to send your scores. You can usually search by the name of the institution.

Itโ€™s important to note that when you register for the SAT, you’re typically given a limited time (usually until nine days after the test date) to send a certain number of score reports (usually four) for free. If you’re within this window, make sure to take advantage of this opportunity.

You can choose which scores to send if you’ve taken the SAT multiple times. This depends on the college’s score-use policy. Some colleges require all your test scores, while others allow you to send only your best scores (Score Choice).Keep in mind that it can take a few weeks for colleges to receive and process your scores, so plan accordingly, especially if you’re working with application deadlines.

After you’ve sent your scores, it’s a good idea to confirm with the colleges that they’ve received and processed your scores. This can usually be done through the college’s admissions portal or by contacting their admissions office.

Remember, each college has its policies regarding SAT scores, including deadlines for submission and whether they require all test scores or allow Score Choice. It’s important to research each college’s requirements to ensure that you’re complying with their policies. If you have any questions or encounter issues, you can contact the College Board or the admissions offices of the colleges to which you’re applying.

Retaking The SAT For a Better Score

If youโ€™ve taken the SAT and arenโ€™t happy with your score, then youโ€™re likely considering whether or not it makes sense to retake the SAT in hopes of scoring higher. 

Deciding whether to retake the SAT is a significant decision and depends on several factors:

  • College Requirements: Research the average SAT scores of admitted students at the colleges you’re interested in. If your score is below these averages, retaking the SAT to improve your score could enhance your chances of admission
  • Initial Preparation: Reflect on your preparation for the first SAT. Did you have enough time to study? Were there topics you found particularly challenging? If you believe you can significantly improve your preparation, retaking the test might be beneficial.
  • Score Improvement Potential: It’s important to have realistic expectations regarding how much you can improve your score. Analyze which sections you can improve in and estimate the potential score increase; significant improvement often requires targeted study and practice
  • Time and Resources for Additional Preparation: Do you have the time and resources (like study materials, access to tutoring, etc.) to dedicate to preparing for a retake? Effective preparation will likely require a structured study plan and consistent effort.
  • College Application Deadlines: Consider the timing of college application deadlines and the availability of future SAT test dates. Ensure there’s enough time to retake the test and send your scores to colleges before their deadlines.
  • Score Choice Policies: Research the Score Choice policies of the colleges you’re applying to. Some colleges require you to submit all your SAT scores, while others allow you to choose which scores to send.

If you decide to retake the SAT, make sure to identify the areas where you need improvement and create a focused study plan. Utilize resources like official SAT practice materials, online courses, or tutoring if necessary. However, if you feel that your current score reflects your best effort and aligns well with your target colleges’ requirements, it might be more beneficial to focus on other aspects of your college applications, such as your essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation.

Related Reading: How Many Times Can You Take The SAT?

Frequently Asked Questions About SAT Scores

What is superscoring?

Superscoring involves combining the highest section scores from multiple SAT test dates to create a new, higher composite score. This process takes the highest Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score and the highest Math score across different test sittings, regardless of whether these scores occurred on the same test date. Superscoring can benefit students by showcasing their highest potential scores in each section, potentially making their applications more competitive. It acknowledges that students can have variances in performance across different test dates.

Can I check my SAT score early?

Unfortunately, the College Board does not offer an official way to check SAT scores before the scheduled release date. SAT scores are typically released according to a predetermined schedule, which is strictly adhered to.ย 

Is a 1200 score good on the SAT?

Determining whether a 1200 is a “good” score on the SAT depends on several factors, including your personal goals, the average SAT scores of the colleges you’re interested in, and the context of your overall application.