How Long Is The PSAT? An Overview of the PSAT Length & Questions

The total length of the PSAT is 2 hours and 45 minutes, and it is quite an important event in a high schooler’s academic journey. It’s not just a practice test for the SAT; it’s also an early indicator of your strengths, weaknesses, and how well you can navigate the realm of standardized testing. 

So, whether you’re a high school freshman embarking on this exciting new path, or a parent supporting your child through this journey, knowing about the PSATโ€”especially how long it isโ€”is a crucial piece of the puzzle.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of the PSAT’s length, break down the timing for each section, and even share some valuable tips on how to manage your time effectively. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of the PSAT length, and hopefully, a sense of confidence and preparedness. 

Table of Contents / Quick Reference Guide

  1. An Overview of the PSAT/NMSQT
  2. How Long Is the PSAT?
  3. How Many Questions Are On the PSAT
  4. Time Management Tips for the PSAT
  5. PSAT/NMSQT Scoring 
  6. Frequently Asked Questions About the PSAT Length

A Brief Overview of the PSAT

Under the glow of the spotlight, let’s introduce the main character of our story: the PSAT. Short for Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, the PSAT is a standardized test that gives students a taste of what they can expect on the SAT. It’s an exam that checks out your skills in reading, writing, and math โ€“ without the essay. It’s the real deal when it comes to giving you a slice of the SAT experience, a sort of ‘dress rehearsal’ if you will.

The PSAT is more than just a practice run, though. It’s also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. Imagine that! A practice test that could lead to financial aid for college. Now that’s what we call a win-win.

PSAT Sections 

In terms of structure, the PSAT is divided into three sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. The Reading section features passages from literature, historical documents, social sciences, and natural sciences. The Writing and Language section has you proofread passages for errors and improve them. Math delves into algebra, problem-solving, data analysis, and some geometry and trigonometry. It’s like a mini tour through your high school curriculum!

Now that we’ve peeled back the curtain on what the PSAT is, we can dive into itโ€™s length and time requirements, and how to best prepare. 

Remember, we’re with you on this journey, ready to provide the information and resources you need to feel confident and prepared. After all, knowledge is power, and we’re all about empowering our students and their parents!

How Long Is the PSAT/NMSQT? 

Now it’s time to pull out our stopwatches and talk about the ticking clock that accompanies the PSAT. Understanding the duration of the PSAT – or as we like to call it, the test’s ‘running time’ – can help you prepare effectively. It’s not just about understanding the content, but also knowing how to manage your time under pressure. So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

The PSAT is a two-hour and 45-minute exam that tests students on their reading, writing, and math skills. There are two sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math. Each section is 1 hour and 10 minutes long, with 25 minutes of extra time allotted for both sections (for a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes). 

Sounds like a lot? Don’t worry, you’re not alone in that boat. But here’s a comforting thought – the SAT is slightly longer, clocking in at 3 hours, or 3 hours and 50 minutes if you include the optional essay. So, think of the PSAT as a slightly shorter rehearsal for the SAT.

But it’s not all about constant work. You’ll be glad to know that there are breaks in between the sections! There is a 5-minute break after the Reading test and another 5-minute break halfway through the Math section. It’s a chance to stretch, relax your mind, have a snack, and generally recharge your batteries before the next section.

Knowing these timings is not only important for the day of the test, but it’s also crucial in helping you prepare. It helps you build a study strategy; you can set up practice sessions that mimic the conditions of the actual test, conditioning your mind and body to maintain focus and deliver high performance within these time constraints.

Let’s put this in context: You have just over a minute to answer each question in the Reading and Writing and Language sections, and roughly a minute and a half for each Math question. Knowing this can help guide your pace during the test, and can keep you from spending too much time on any one question.

So, while 2 hours and 45 minutes might seem like a lot, it’s also an opportunity. It’s a chance to build stamina, sharpen your focus, improve your time management, and, of course, show off your academic skills. Remember, the clock isn’t just ticking; it’s challenging you to rise to the occasion.

How Many Questions Are On the PSAT?

As mentioned above, the test is broken down into three sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math, and each section has its own time limit. The Reading section is 60 minutes long and includes 47 questions. The Writing and Language section is 35 minutes long with 44 questions. And finally, the Math section, which is 70 minutes long, has 48 questions. Below, weโ€™ll break the PSAT length down, section by section. 

PSAT Reading Section Length

The Reading section of the PSAT has a total of 47 questions. You’re given 60 minutes to navigate through a series of passages and answer multiple-choice questions about each one. 

These questions test your understanding, reasoning, and ability to interpret information. The passages will cover a range of subjects, including literature, history, social studies, and science, so you’ll need to be a bit of a jack-of-all-trades!

To tackle the reading comprehension questions effectively, it’s essential to read the passages carefully, highlighting key points and taking note of any evidence provided. This will help you answer questions related to main idea, supporting details, vocabulary in context, inference, and more.

PSAT Writing & Language Section Length

Next up is the Writing and Language section, which presents you with 44 questions to answer in 35 minutes. In this section, you’ll be given passages with underlined portions that may or may not contain errors. Your job is to decide whether to improve the underlined text or leave it as it is. 

These questions test your grammar, punctuation, and understanding of English conventions, as well as your ability to refine and improve the text.

To do well in the Writing and Language section, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of grammar rules, sentence structure, and effective writing techniques. 

By practicing with sample questions and reviewing grammar concepts, you can enhance your skills and increase your confidence in answering these questions accurately.

PSAT Math Section Length

Finally, we come to the Math section, where you’ll face a total of 48 questions over 70 minutes. These questions span a range of topics, from algebra and problem-solving to data analysis, with a little geometry and trigonometry thrown in. 

The Math section of the PSAT evaluates your mathematical fluency, problem-solving skills, and ability to apply mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios. This section is divided into two parts: a calculator-allowed section and a calculator-not-allowed section.

In the calculator-allowed section, you can expect to answer around 17 questions. This section covers a wide range of math topics, including algebra, geometry, statistics, and data analysis. You’ll be required to solve equations, interpret graphs and tables, and apply mathematical concepts to solve problems.

In the calculator-not-allowed section, you can expect to answer around 31 questions. This section also covers various math topics and requires you to solve problems without the use of a calculator. By practicing mental math and sharpening your problem-solving skills, you can tackle these questions efficiently.

PSAT/NMSQT SectionTotal Number of QuestionsTime AllottedEstimated Time Per Question
Reading Section47 questions60 minutes~77 seconds
Writing & Language44 questions35 minutes~48 seconds
Math (Without Calculator)17 questions25 minutes~88 seconds
Math (With Calculator)31 questions45 minutes~87 seconds
PSAT Total139 questions2 hours 45 minutes~80 seconds

So, if we do the math (pun intended), you’ll find that the PSAT throws 139 questions your way over a duration of 2 hours and 45 minutes. 

That’s quite a few, isn’t it? But remember, it’s not just about getting through all the questions; it’s about understanding each question, applying your knowledge and problem-solving skills, and making the best choice from the options given.

Understanding the number of questions on the PSAT helps set expectations and allows you to strategize effectively. It helps you manage your time, maintain your focus, and balance your efforts across the different sections. It’s also key to understand that these questions are designed not just to test what you know, but how you think.

Time Management Tips For the PSAT/NMSQT

Just like a seasoned athlete pacing themselves for a marathon, navigating the PSAT is all about strategic time management. It’s one thing to know the answers, but it’s another to efficiently allocate your time so you can showcase your knowledge in the best possible way. 

So, let’s deep-dive into some time management tips that will help you conquer the PSAT like a pro!

Effectively Pacing Yourself

First up, let’s talk about ‘pacing.’ With 139 questions to answer in 165 minutes, you’ll have, on average, just over a minute per question. 

This pace varies a bit between sections – you’ll have roughly 1.27 minutes per question in the Reading section, 0.8 minutes in the Writing and Language section, and approximately 1.5 minutes for each Math question. 

Understanding these pacing guidelines will help you keep track of your progress during the test and make sure you’re not spending too much time on any one question.

Skip The Questions That You Find Too Difficult

Our second tip is ‘skipping strategically.’ There’s no penalty for incorrect answers on the PSAT, so it’s better to guess than to leave a question blank. 

However, if you encounter a question that’s stumping you, don’t be afraid to skip it and return later if time permits. Spend your time on questions you’re more likely to get right!

Taking PSAT Practice Tests With a Timer

Next, let’s focus on ‘practicing with a timer.’ Simulating real test conditions during your study sessions can help improve your speed and efficiency. 

Use official practice tests and set a timer for each section. You’ll start developing a sense for when you need to move faster and when you have a little wiggle room.

Understanding the Format of PSAT Questions

Tip number four is all about ‘understanding question formats.’ Familiarize yourself with the types of questions you’ll encounter in each section. Knowing what to expect can speed up your reading time and help you answer more quickly.

Learn How To โ€œActively Readโ€

Our fifth tip is ‘reading actively.’ This is especially important for the Reading and Writing and Language sections. Active reading involves engaging with the text, making predictions, and mentally summarizing as you go along. 

This will help improve your comprehension speed and reduce the time you spend re-reading passages.

Staying Organized During the Test

‘Staying organized’ is another vital time management tip, particularly for the Math section. 

Keep your scratch paper neat and tidy, so you don’t waste time searching through jumbled numbers or equations. It’s all about efficiency!

Take Advantage of Test Breaks

Tip number seven is ‘using breaks wisely.’ You’ll have a couple of short breaks during the PSAT. Use this time to relax, hydrate, have a snack, and mentally prepare for the next section. Try not to spend this time worrying about questions you’ve already answered – remember, forward is the way to go!

Finally, ‘review selectively.’ If you have time left at the end of a section, don’t rush to the next one. Use the remaining minutes to review your answers, focusing primarily on the questions you were unsure about. But be careful not to second guess yourself too much – your first instinct is often correct!

Remember, mastering time management for the PSAT doesn’t just help you on test day – it’s a skill that will benefit you in college and beyond.


Now that we understand the length and number of questions on the PSAT,  let’s journey into the world of PSAT scoring.

The PSAT/NMSQT uses what’s known as a ‘rights-only’ scoring system, which means you earn points for correct answers and aren’t penalized for incorrect ones. It’s a kind scoring system โ€“ you only stand to gain, not lose, from each question you answer.

Every correct answer on the PSAT earns you one raw point. The total number of points you earn in each section creates your ‘raw score.’ There’s no penalty for wrong or unanswered questions, so it’s advantageous to answer as many questions as you can, even if you’re unsure of some answers.

Understanding the PSAT scoring system can give you a clear target to aim for in your preparation. It provides a comprehensive picture of your academic skills and highlights areas where you can improve. And while it’s natural to aspire for a high score on the PSAT, remember that the real goal is learning and improvement. 

Final Thoughts On the PSAT Length

Understanding the breakdown of the PSAT’s timing can be a powerful tool in your test-taking arsenal. With an average of approximately 1.19 minutes per question, the key is to find a pace that allows you to answer accurately without running out of time. Implementing strategic time management tips like pacing, strategic skipping, and practicing with a timer can be transformative in turning time from a source of stress to a tool for success.

In closing, the PSAT may be a long test, but it’s also an opportunity. It’s a chance to showcase your skills, discover where you can grow, and learn how to handle standardized testing effectively. Like any challenge, it might seem daunting at first, but with the right understanding and preparation, you’re more than capable of handling it. So, embrace the journey, harness the strategies we’ve discussed, and remember – every minute, every question, and every answer brings you one step closer to reaching your academic goals.

Frequently Asked Questions About the PSAT

Below, weโ€™ve listed some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the PSAT and itโ€™s length.

How many questions can you miss on the PSAT?

On the PSAT, there is technically no limit to the number of questions you can “miss” or answer incorrectly. This is because the PSAT, like the SAT, uses a “rights-only” scoring method. This means you gain points for every question you answer correctly, and nothing is subtracted for incorrect answers or for questions you leave blank.

Is it better to skip a question or guess on the PSAT?

Since the PSAT follows a “rights-only” scoring method, you’re only awarded points for the questions you answer correctly, and no points are subtracted for incorrect answers or for questions you leave blank. Therefore, it’s generally a better strategy to guess an answer rather than skipping a question altogether.

What happens if I fail the PSAT?

Remember that the PSAT is not a pass or fail exam. The score you receive is not a judgement of failure or success; rather, it’s a measurement of certain academic skills in comparison to others who took the test. If you receive a lower score than you hoped for on the PSAT, it’s not a cause for panic. 

Moreover, your PSAT scores are not included on your high school transcript, nor are they seen by colleges. Only you, your parents, and your school can access your PSAT scores. Therefore, a lower than expected PSAT score won’t negatively impact your college applications.

Related PSAT/NMSQT Resources