10 Movies To Watch When You’re Homesick In College

Take a bowl of microwavable popcorn (or your placebo of choice) and grab one of these movies to cure your homesick hangover.


When I was a summer camp counselor, weโ€™d give the homesick kid a paper cup of cherry Powerade and say, โ€œItโ€™s homesickness medicine. Now drink it.โ€

The placebo worked, and at the campfire that night, the child sang and told stories to the rest of us. Homesickness is a mental thing.

Take a bowl of microwavable popcorn (or your placebo of choice) and grab one of these movies to cure your homesick hangover.

1. โ€œWhere The Wild Things Areโ€

Itโ€™s a childrenโ€™s classic. Max is sent to his room without supper and, in his imagination, travels to a world where he is king of the Wild Things. Spike Jonzeโ€™s adaptation captures the feeling of being misunderstood, and reaching into your self to find your own sense of home.

Watching Max yell at the top of his lungs โ€œLet the wild rumpus start!โ€ with Karen O. and the Kids on the soundtrack is almost like reading the original Maurice Sendak book under the covers with a flashlight.

2. โ€œInto the Woodsโ€

In fairy tales, stories set in the woods are about confronting fears and facing the unknown. Going to the woods is part of the archetypal journey of leaving home. Youโ€™ll be singing along with the Witch from next door in no time.

3. โ€œWizard of Ozโ€

Youโ€™d think Dorothyโ€™s line โ€œThereโ€™s no place like homeโ€ would make you more homesick than you already are, but thereโ€™s something cathartic about watching someone else try to get home that makes you feel so much better. Pair Dorothy with โ€œFinding Nemoโ€ when the homesickness is off the charts.

4. โ€œBig Fishโ€

The stories your parents told you when you were a kid can be a source of inspiration when you facing challenges. In Tim Burtonโ€™s fantasy tale of a fatherโ€™s wild adventures, a son finds himself reliving them in order to make peace with his dying dad. Homesickness is a nostalgic reaction to the past, and this movie visualizes how our past stories seep into the present.

5. โ€œEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mindโ€

Eradicating your memories is probably not a good idea right before finals, but this movie hits on the quintessential problem of the blues, and how to deal with not quite feeling at home in the world.

6. โ€œChristmas Vacationโ€

Thereโ€™s something about watching Christmas movies in September that makes it all feel better. Itโ€™s like watching โ€œPieces of Aprilโ€ when itโ€™s not Thanksgiving or โ€œItโ€™s a Wonderful Lifeโ€ during the summer. Itโ€™s also hilarious to see Johnny Galecki as Chevy Chaseโ€™s son.

7. โ€œSpaceballsโ€

In 2024, college students will watch โ€œGuardians of the Galaxyโ€ when theyโ€™re feeling blue (itโ€™s that good of a movie), but in the meantime, get your galactic longing for home rectified in this wacky Mel Brooks screwball space comedy. Itโ€™s silly, but Rick Moranis is priceless in his parody of Darth Vader.

8. โ€œE.T.โ€

E.T. is a botanist from another planet. Whatโ€™s not to love? Maybe a longing for home is a universal emotion experienced by all sentient creatures. Doesnโ€™t that make you feel better already?

9. โ€œThe Pursuit of Happynessโ€

Itโ€™s a play on the American Dream, but any movie with Will Smith should cheer you up, and the fact that itโ€™s a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps kind of movie will steel your resolve to work really hard on that ridiculously intimidating class you have to take this semester.

10. โ€œChildren of Heavenโ€

In this beautiful Iranian film, the message is that sharing is caring, and it provides a glimpse into a home where the children learn to help each other rather than fight. Ali loses his sister Zahraโ€™s shoes. Since they both need their shoes to get to school, Ali decides to let her use his shoes for morning class, and for the afternoon, she has to rush back home so he can make it to his afternoon classes on time. Sometimes home is not a place, but a way of being with others.

The formula for choosing a movie to help you cope with homesickness is easy. Choose a movie that is not jaded nor overly sentimental. Either a movie that takes place in your hometown or a movie from your childhood also works, but the best movie to cure homesickness is the one that will give you a fresh new look at what it means to be at home.

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