Nitai Melnick

STEM & MCAT Tutor and Medical Student


Nitai is a medical student at Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. He graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in Molecular Biology and a Minor in Computer Science. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Nitai is enjoying life in Israel, where he spends any free time he can find exploring Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and the vibrant Israeli culture.

Nitai began tutoring in high school when a teacher approached him about helping fellow students learn AP Physics. Since then he has leaned on his experience as a student to inform his tutoring. In college, after getting his first taste of computer programming, Nitai volunteered to tutor fellow students struggling in the course and was later hired by Princeton to teach a section of organic chemistry.

After graduation, Nitai spent a year teaching pre-medical students who were preparing for the MCAT and other entrance exams. He was hired by a test prep company in Tel Aviv, where he tutored MCAT and taught a course in AP Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, for which he designed the curriculum. Throughout the course, Nitai adjusted the teaching materials he created to meet his studentsโ€™ needs. He believes teachers must listen to their students in order to find the best approach to communicate an idea.

Nitai continues to mentor his peers in medical school. His teaching style focuses on distilling complicated concepts into tangible ideas and helping his students learn to apply them to solve problems in an organized fashion. He believes that success begins with understanding and encourages his students to think critically about what a question is really asking before rushing to a solution.

Nitai has been teaching biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics since 2012.



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